Election Day

4 years ago on Election Day, I met someone I would quickly, probably too quickly, fall deeply in love with. 4 years later I still think about him. I still well up in tears, I still mourn the loss of our relationship. I woke up after Election Day 4 years ago with hope. Not because of the outcome but because I had met someone I knew would become special to me. We bridged so many gaps. Age, backgrounds, ethnicities. I woke up looking forward to growing with him. I felt that I had found a support system.

Today, 4 years later, I don’t have the same hope in a future love. But I do have stronger ground beneath my feet, not on the back of someone else, because I’ve spent 4 years working on myself. Working to rebuild myself after I was so broken from that relationship. I still love him, even though he’s married. I think a part of me always will, and while I still weep for my lost love, I know that whatever tomorrow brings I’m stronger now. I can handle more now. So whatever happens, I know the biggest difference I can make is being the best person I can be, the strongest, kindest person I can be. And I can only hope that others feel the same.